Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Mum Mum crackers are Yum Yum!

Jeffrey-Alexander and Jeffrey Alan

A couple of weeks ago, Jeff (Jeffrey's Grandfather ) came for a weekend visit with the family. It was a beautiful weekend and before he went back to Kentucky everyone went to the park for some fun.

GrandDad Visits

Gotta have a talk about this swing thing...
I might like it but I gotta hang on to my paci just in case...
Let's get this party started GrandDad! (still hangin on to paci)
Okay, so far so good. How 'bout a little higher?
Yeah! That's more like it but I am NOT dropping my paci!
I love you too, GrandDad!
Eye to eye contact...serious conversation here!
This is my GrandDad, Jeff (my namesake)

Wow, that was so much fun! Now I get to swing with my GrandDad and suck on my paci at the same time. Ahhhhhh! Ain't life grand?

I hope you come back soon to see me. Wish we could see each other more often. You KNOW what to do about that.

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Today was such a hot day here in the midsouth so we decided that it would be a good time for J. to try out the new pool his mommy and daddy bought him. He was not sure what to think of that cold water but seemed to just chill out for the adventure. Next time we will try it with some toys and not around nap time. He looks pretty cute in those swim trunks his great Granny and Poppa sent him though, and especially cute in that hat! Thanks Great Granny and Poppa. We love you!


Looks like the little guy is not to sure about that cold water, especially right before naptime! He looks pretty cute, regardless.

Monday, June 1, 2009

Mother's Day '09

Ever have an almost perfect day? You could actually say it was perfect but you know that perfection cannot be obtained here on earth. Well my Mother's Day this year was just that! I had the most wonderful with my daughters, new son-in-law and of course little J. Alex.

From the beginning of the week, it started out hectic. Linds had to drive me to Louisville for my 6 month evaluation at the Brown Cancer Clinic. I had CT scans done on Thursday (which meant that I had to drink that gross chalky stuff on Wednesday night) Anyway, I made it through that ordeal. I am a big baby when it comes to having to drink or taste gross things. I have always been horrible about taking my medicine; ask my mom. SOOOOO, I saw Dr. Parker on Friday and she said that the scans appeared to have no signs of cancer! Can I get an AMEN on that one. Hooray, but something did show up in my lower back so I have to have an MRI done sometime soon, it could be disk degeneration. My bladder is also showing signs of disrepair from all of the radiation damage. I have had four episodes equivalent to that of passing kidney stones. I could be passing stones or I could be passing large blood clots and scar tissue. Dr. Parker told us that I was lucky to even still have a bladder considering the shape my insides were when she did my surgery in May of '06. Which leads me to another reason for my perfect days, I reached a three year mark of survival since the surgery that nearly killed me.

Ok, so I get through the Dr. visits and head on back home so that I can be there for Sunday and spend Mother's Day with Leah also. Leah and Lindsay decided that we were going to stop in Nashville on the way home and spend the night and celebrate Mother's Day there. They made reservations at the Rain Forest Cafe and everything. It was a spectacular lunch and a nice night in the hotel. Jeffrey stayed in the room with me while his mommy and daddy had some time alone. I was in hog heaven :) The girls, Jimmy and Jeffrey had wonderful presents for me; I am not going to name them all for fear of bragging. I will say that they were wonderful though and one from Jeffrey was a plaque that says that when he counts his blessings, he counts me twice! How sweet, right? So, we had a yummy lunch with calamari and all and then spent the day at the Opry Mills mall. Luckily we had the wheelchair cause Lindsay and Jimmy had to push me around almost the entire day.

You would think that this was a great day, right? It was even better when we got home. Leah and Jimmy had spotlessly cleaned my bedroom, clean bedding and all! I was so excited and to top it all off, Lindsay scrubbed my bathroom while I sipped on a fruity drink that she made me! It was a most wonderful, as perfect as a day can get here on earth. I spent it with the people that I love the most and boy did they show me how much they love me. Awesomeness, indeed! Enjoy the precious pictures from my First Mother's Day as a Grandmother and also my first-born's First Mother's Day!


Eating sweet potatoes and other fun things...

Well, I realize that I am very much behind on my blogging. I am not going to make any excuses because frankly I don't think anyone really cares, right? I have treated myself to some new things that will make my blogging much easier. I have a new laptop and a camera so that I can take all of my own pictures and upload them whenever I want. Poor Auntie was always having to take time out of her busy life to do that for me but no more and boy am I excited. I can't wait to show all of the pictures from Easter and Mother's Day. For now, enjoy this sweet picture of my sweet guy eating his new favorite food, sweet potatoes!

Thursday, April 30, 2009

Look what I can do!!

That's right, TA-DAH!!! I can sit up all by myself!

I knew that my little guy would be sitting up soon but wow! The day before he turned five months old on May 18th, we sat him down with his toys and he didn't fall over right away. How awesome. One really neat thing about being the grandmother is that because I don't have to worry about or focus on anything except loving him, I tend to see or observe more little details than when my girls were growing up. Now, don't get me wrong, I noticed every little thing that they did and I documented it in their baby books but it is different now. I think that I was so young and had no idea what to expect that the awesomeness maybe escaped me just a little bit. Only grandparents know what I am talking about cause I sure didn't have a clue when my BFF Pam would tell me all about her precious little grandson, Joey. Hey Pammy, now I get it!

"I think I am tired of my picture being taken so much, what is the big deal about me sitting here and NOT falling over??"

Friday, April 10, 2009

Like father like son

March 4, 2009 After going out to the store one day in March, Little Man stayed home with his Daddy. When we came back in, I just couldn't resist snapping a picture of the two of them napping together. Notice how they both have their right hands up under their heads and if only you could see their feet , you would see that Daddy has his legs and feet crossed exactly like Jeffrey does. So precious, don't you think?
Lilypie 1st Birthday Ticker